2011年、佐藤純一(key,cho)を中心に結成された、towana(Vocal)、kevin mitsunaga(Sampler,etc.)による3人組バンド。
2013年8月に「ケセラセラ」(TVアニメ『有頂天家族』ED主題歌)でメジャーデビュー。翌年には、iTunesによりブレイク確実の新人として『NEW ARTISTS 2014』の1組に選出されたほか、1stアルバム「Outside of Melancholy」はオリコンウィークリー8位を記録。
現在に至るまで18作品ものアニメで主題歌の担当を果たし、作品の世界観に寄り添いながらも豊かな音楽性を提示し続けている。また、10thシングル「⻘空のラプソディ」(TVアニメ『小林さんちのメイドラゴン』OP主題歌)のMVは、YouTubeにて再生回数5,600万回を突破(2025年2月現在)。 さらに最新シングル「愛のシュプリーム!」(TVアニメ『小林さんちのメイドラゴンS』OP主題歌)は 発売されるやいなや各界から絶賛され、MVの再生回数も2,000万回再生を突破し、様々なアワードも受賞した。
ボーカルのtowanaは、2022年7月にTVドラマ『理想ノカレシ』EDテーマ「ベール」でソロデビューも果たした。 kevin mitsunagaはDJとしても様々なイベントに出演するなど、各メンバーは活動の幅を広げている。
ライブにも定評があり、日本国内では定期的にワンマンツアーを開催しているほか、海外でのイベントにも積極的に出演。また2020年以降はオンラインライブを多数開催するなど常に時代と共に柔軟に活動してきた。世界最大のアニソンフェス”Animelo Summer Live”に7年連続で出演。アニソン界を軸としながらも、”ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL”や”COUNTDOWN JAPAN”へ出演を続けるなど、ジャンルの壁や国境を越え、各方面からリスペクトを集めている。
2023年、新体制による新たな冒険が始まり、LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂)にて開催したデビュー10周年公演を成功させる。 2024年以降も韓国・台湾・東京を巡るアジアツアーや、上海・広州を巡る中国ツアーを刊行した他、5th Album「The Look of Life」をリリースするなど精力的に活動を続けている。
Formed in 2011 by Junichi Sato (key, cho), this three-piece band consists of female vocalists towana and kevin mitsunaga (sampler, etc.).
In August 2013, they made their major label debut with "Kesera-sera" (the theme song for the TV anime "Arithmetic Family"). The following year, they were selected by iTunes as one of the "NEW ARTISTS 2014" as a newcomer who is sure to break through, and their first album "Outside of Melancholy" reached No. 8 on Oricon Weekly.
To date, they have been in charge of theme songs for as many as 18 animations, and continue to present rich musicality while staying close to the worldview of the works. The music video for their 10th single "Aku no Rhapsody" (OP theme song for the TV anime "Kobayashi-sanchi no Maidragon") has been viewed over 50.00 million times on YouTube (as of June, 2024). In addition, their latest single "Ai no Supreme! (OP theme song for the TV anime "Kobayashi-sanchi no Maidragon S") was released immediately to rave reviews from all walks of life, and the music video has already received more than 15 million views and won various awards.
Junichi Sato, the core member of the band, made his major debut in 2006 as a vocalist in the band "FLEET." After forming fhána, he began actively working as a composer, arranger, and music producer, providing songs to other artists. As of 2022, he has composed theme songs for a total of 30 TV anime, TV dramas, and theatrical anime, including those for fhána. He has also won the Heisei Anison Grand Prize for Best Composition, the 2027 Anison Grand Prize for Best Arrangement, and the 2021 Anison Grand Prize for Best Work, Best Arrangement, and Best User Vote. Vocalist towana also made her solo debut in July 2022 with "Veil," the ED theme for the TV drama "Ideal No Kareshi. Each member is expanding their activities, including kevin mitsunaga, who also performs as a DJ at various events.
The band has been actively performing live not only in Japan but also overseas, participating in various festivals such as the world-famous 「Animelo Summer Live」(the largest anime song festival) which Sato, the leader of the band had also created the theme song for. They have participated in International festivals in Shanghai, Singapore, Manila, Montreal, Chicago, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, etc.
While the band has many anison related singles, they also have performed at Rock festivals, transcending genre barriers and national borders.
In 2023, a new adventure will begin under a new regime.
- ・佐藤純一 @jsato_FLEET
- ・kevin mitsunaga @kevin327g
- ・towana @_towana
- 公式Twitterアカウント
- @fhana_info
- http://www.facebook.com/fhanamusic